Breaking Borders Award 2012!

We're excited to announce the second edition of the Breaking Borders Award for 2012. The award is a prize created by Google and Global Voices to honor outstanding web or mobile projects initiated by individuals or groups that demonstrate courage, energy and resourcefulness in using the Internet to promote freedom of expression. Closing date for applications is May 20, 2012.

This year’s award will be focused on the extended community working with Global Voices. Many of our community members are also affiliated with other projects that have had significant impacts on freedom of expression in their communities and have a grassroots, civic character. We want to reward projects that have had a real impact, but are not incredibly well known, and for whom the support could make a significant difference in their development.

The Breaking Borders winners will be announced at the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2012, in Nairobi, Kenya on July 2-3, 2012.

Visit the Summit web site for background information on the goals of the meeting, the program of events, and registration details.

The Breaking Borders Award is open to the extended Global Voices community. Winners will be selected by a panel of experts in the field of freedom of expression. Two cash prizes of $10,000 will be awarded for an individual or group that has:

  • used online tools to promote free expression or encourage social or political change
  • created an important tool that enables free expression and expands access to information
  • been instrumental in forming a community that has advanced free expression and access to information

Who can enter: Any member of the Global Voices community, including Global Voices in English, Lingua and Global Voices Advocacy, who has written, edited or translated at least one post in the history of Global Voices, and all Rising Voices grantees.

Nominations are for ongoing projects that have already demonstrated significant effects in their field of endeavor, based on work achieved in the last two years. We will consider projects that are created by or strongly affiliated with any member of the Global Voices community. If you are a GV volunteer, staff, or board member, and also a creator or hold a leadership role in another project, that project is eligible. You can nominate your own project.

Submit your nomination for  the Breaking Borders Award using this online form. Applications close on May 20, 2012.

Contact us at “eddie at” with any questions.


What is the Breaking Borders Award?

The Breaking Borders award was set up by Global Voices and Google to highlight the importance of free expression around the world by honoring an outstanding web projects by individuals or groups, who have shown courage, energy and resourcefulness in using the internet or mobile phones to promote freedom of expression, ensure that diverse political viewpoints are heard and stand up to those who censor information.

Who can participate?

Anyone who is a member of the Global Voices extended community, with a relevant online or mobile presence can participate. Nominate yourself, a blog, website or other online presence you consider has helped promote the free circulation of ideas, stood up against censorship, helped local communities, raised awareness about a specific issue or cause, mobilised government or supported silenced voices.

Are there any geographical restrictions to participate?

No, the nominee can be based or support a cause anywhere in the world.

How do I nominate?

Fill out the nomination form. Please understand that we can accept nominations only if you provide the following information: a) the name and contact information for the nominee (or the organisation/initiative) b) blog, website or other mobile or online presence that showcases the value of the nominee, c) why the nominee merits the Breaking Borders Award, d) if self nominating, how you would use the prize money, and e) your contact details, so we can get in touch with you if we have further questions.

How will the winners be elected?

Members of the Global Voices board will select the final winners.

Will there only be one winner?

There will be two winners.

Will the winner receive a prize?

The awardees will receive a prize of $10,000 each.

What is the deadline for nominations?

The deadline for nominations is the 20th of May, 2012.

When will the winner be announced?

The awards will be announced in July 2012.


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